2. 食べ方のコツや食べる順番が大事。野菜(サラダ等)→主菜(肉・魚のおかず)→主食(ごはん・パン・めん)。野菜に含まれる水溶性の食物繊維は血糖値の上昇を緩やかにし、しっかり噛んで食べる事で満足感も得やすくなります。急激な血糖上昇は過剰なインスリン分泌となり、余分なエネルギーを脂肪に変えてしまいます。
3. 夜遅くに食べない。夜遅い食事は摂取エネルギーが消費されにくく脂肪がつきやすくなってしまいます。どうしても遅くなる時は低脂肪で消化のよい豆腐や野菜を中心に。
4. 余分な炭水化物と脂肪の摂取を減らす。余分な炭水化物は体内で脂肪として貯蔵されます。毎食の米飯量は100-150g程度が理想です。脂肪は1gあたり9kcalと他の栄養素の2倍のエネルギーがあります。できるだけ低脂肪、無脂肪の食品を選び、お肉ならバラ肉より赤身肉を選びます。
5.健康的な脂肪の摂取: 健康的な脂肪とはオメガ-3脂肪酸を含む魚、植物油(オリーブオイルや亜麻仁油など)、ナッツ類、種実類などが挙げられます。
6.高繊維食品の摂取: 高繊維食品は消化を遅らせ満腹感を促すため、食事の摂取量をコントロールするのに役立ちます。野菜、果物、全粒穀物、豆類などの高繊維食品を積極的に摂取しましょう。
7.タンパク質の摂取: タンパク質は食事の満腹感を促す効果があります。また、代謝を高める効果もあるため、脂肪燃焼をサポートします。鶏肉、魚、豆類、大豆製品、低脂肪乳製品など健康的なタンパク源をバランスよく摂るようにしましょう。
8.加工食品や高カロリー飲料の制限: 加工食品にはしばしば不健康な脂肪や糖分が含まれています。また、高カロリー飲料(砂糖入り飲料やアルコール飲料)も脂肪増加を助長する可能性がありますので適度に制限することが重要です。
9.適度な水分摂取: 水分摂取は脂肪減少にも重要です。適切な水分摂取によって代謝が促進され満腹感を得ることができます。水や無糖の飲料を積極的に摂るようにしましょう。
10.運動との組み合わせ: 健康的な食事に加えて、適度な運動を取り入れることも脂肪減少に役立ちます。有酸素運動や筋力トレーニングなど、バランスの取れた運動プログラムを組み込むことで、脂肪燃焼を促進し、代謝を改善することができます。
A diet to reduce body fat typically includes the following guidelines.
1.Calorie restriction: To reduce body fat, it is necessary to limit energy intake. By implementing a calorie restriction, the reduction of body fat can be promoted. However, it is important to ensure adequate nutrient intake and maintain a healthy calorie deficit.
2.Healthy fat intake: When aiming to reduce body fat, it is essential to limit the consumption of saturated and trans fats, while including moderate amounts of healthy fats. Healthy fats sources include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, plant oils (such as olive oil or flaxseed oil), nuts, and seeds.
3.Consumption of high-fiber foods: High-fiber foods help slow down digestion and promote satiety, thus aiding in controlling food intake. Include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes as part of the diet to increase fiber intake.
4.Adequate protein intake: Protein plays a crucial role in promoting satiety and increasing metabolism, both of which can support fat burning. Include healthy protein sources such as chicken, fish, legumes, soy products, and low-fat dairy in your diet.
5.Balanced and moderate portion sizes: A healthy diet is one that maintains a balance of nutrients. It is important to consume appropriate portion sizes and avoid overeating, as excess food intake can lead to energy surplus and fat accumulation.
6.Limit processed foods and high-calorie beverages: Processed foods often contain unhealthy fats and added sugars, which should be avoided. Additionally, high-calorie beverages such as sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages can contribute to fat gain, so their consumption should be moderated.
7.Sufficient hydration: Staying properly hydrated is important for fat reduction. Adequate water intake helps boost metabolism and promotes a feeling of fullness. Aim to drink water or unsweetened beverages regularly.
8.Combination with exercise: Along with a healthy diet, incorporating regular physical activity is beneficial for reducing body fat. Including aerobic exercises and strength training in your routine can enhance fat burning and improve metabolism.
9.Adjust energy with staple foods (sugars such as rice, bread, and noodles) and fats in side dishes.100g of rice, 6 slices of bread, and 1 bowl of noodles are about 160kcal. When adjusting, it is easy to understand by reducing the amount to half (80 Kcal). 100g of rice is about the same as a convenience store rice ball.
10.Tips on how to eat and the order in which you eat are important. Vegetables (salad, etc.) → Main dish (meat/fish side dish) → Staple food (rice, bread, noodles).The water-soluble dietary fiber contained in vegetables slows down the rise in blood sugar levels, and chewing your food properly makes it easier to feel satisfied. A rapid rise in blood sugar results in excessive insulin secretion, which converts excess energy into fat.
9.以主食(米饭、面包、面条等糖类)和配菜中的脂肪来调节能量。100g米饭、6片面包、1碗乌冬面约160kcal。 调整的时候减半(80Kcal)就很容易理解了。 100克大米和便利店的饭团差不多。
10.如何进食和进食顺序的提示很重要。 蔬菜(沙拉等)→主菜(肉/鱼配菜)→主食(米饭、面包、面条)。蔬菜中含有的水溶性膳食纤维可以减缓血糖水平的上升,适当咀嚼食物更容易产生饱腹感。 血糖迅速升高会导致胰岛素分泌过多,从而将多余的能量转化为脂肪。