睡眠時間:7時間 x 1Mets x 50㎏(体重)=350kcal
座っている時間(テレビや食事など):5時間x1.3Mets x 50kg=325kcal
事務仕事:8時間 x 1.8Mets x50㎏=720kcal
普通歩行:1時間 x 3.4Mets x 50kg=170kcal
この場合1日24時間で 350+325+225+720+170kcal=1790kcalの消費と考えられます。少し多めに計算されるので≒1600~1700kcalと推定され、これ以上のカロリー摂取は体重増加につながります。
The reason you gain weight is because your calorie intake (the amount of food you eat) exceeds the calorie expenditure (amount of exercise).So the reason your weight remains the same is because your calorie intake and calorie expenditure are the same.
Now, how to lose your weight? You can either increase the amount of calories you burn (the amount of exercise) or reduce the amount of calories you take in (the amount of food you eat).
If you know how much energy you consume each day, you can get an idea of the calories and amount you should eat. There is a method of calculating calorie consumption called METs. "METs" is a unit of intensity of exercise and physical activity, which indicates how many times more energy is consumed compared to when resting is 1. You can use this METs is to calculate your daily calorie consumption.
For example, the daily calorie consumption of a woman weighing 50 kg is...
Sleep time: 7 hours x 1Mets x 50kg (weight) = 350kcal
Sitting time (TV, meals, etc.): 5 hours x 1.3Mets x 50kg = 325kcal
Standing work (cooking time, etc.) 3 hours x 1.5 Mets x 50 kg = 225 kcal
Office work: 8 hours x 1.8Mets x 50kg = 720kcal
Normal walking: 1 hour x 3.4Mets x 50kg = 170kcal
It is considered that 350+325+225+720+170kcal = 1790kcal is consumed in 24 hours a day. The calculation will be a little high, so it is estimated to be ≒1600 to 1700 kcal, and consuming more calories than this will lead to weight gain.
Breakfast: 400kcal
Lunch: 500kcal
Dinner: 600kcal
If snacks: 200kcal (snacks and drinks) = 1700kcal, you will not lose weight, so you will have to consider whether to increase the calorie consumption or reduce the calorie intake.
In order to continue your diet without difficulty, you will need to find ways to increase your calorie consumption and change your calorie intake depending on the calorie expenditure of the day. On days when you eat out, you'll quickly end up in excess of calories, so if you make some adjustments, such as ``If you eat a little too much, exercise more'' or ``If you exercise a lot, eat without worrying'', you'll be fine!
It's good to go on a stoic diet, but try it without stressing and keeping in mind "sustainability"!
睡眠时间:7小时x1Mets x50kg=350kcal
坐着的时间(电视或者用餐):5小时x1.3Mets x 50kg=325kcal
站着工作(烹调时间)3小时x1.5Mets x50kg=225kcal
事务工作:8小时x1.8Mets x50kg=720kcal