During starvation, the body goes through a series of metabolic adaptations to cope with the lack of food intake and the need for energy. Initially, the body relies on stored glycogen in the liver and muscles for energy. Glycogen is a form of glucose storage, and when it is depleted, the body starts breaking down fat stores for energy.
In the early stages of starvation, the primary source of energy is typically fat. The body breaks down triglycerides (stored fat) into fatty acids and glycerol through a process called lipolysis. Fatty acids can then be used for energy production.
Muscle tissue, on the other hand, contains proteins, and the body will start to break down muscle protein into amino acids when there's a prolonged shortage of calories and glycogen. The breakdown of muscle tissue for energy is known as proteolysis.
While fat is often the first to be used as an energy source during starvation, if the deprivation continues, the body may also break down muscle tissue to meet its energy needs. However, the degree to which muscle loss occurs can vary based on factors such as overall health, activity level, and the presence of other stressors on the body.
Which comes first, muscle or fat?
In infancy, there is typically a rapid increase in body fat, especially during the first few months of life. This fat accumulation provides a source of energy for the growing baby. As a child gets older and becomes more physically active, muscle development becomes more prominent, especially if the child engages in activities that promote strength and endurance.
During puberty, both males and females experience changes in body composition. In males, the increase in testosterone during puberty often leads to the development of more muscle mass. In females, there may be an increase in body fat, particularly in areas such as the hips and breasts.
In adulthood, the balance between muscle and fat gain is influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. Regular resistance training and a protein-rich diet can promote muscle development, while a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in calories and processed foods can contribute to fat gain.
It's essential to note that the body's composition is highly individual, and people can experience different patterns of muscle and fat gain based on their unique circumstances and genetic makeup. Additionally, fluctuations in weight and body composition can occur throughout life due to changes in activity level, diet, and hormonal fluctuations.
新生儿和婴儿期: 新生儿时,身体通常会迅速增加脂肪,这是为了提供生长所需的能量。婴儿期的初期,脂肪的积累继续,但随着婴儿逐渐开始运动,肌肉的发展也变得更加明显。
儿童和青少年期: 在儿童和青少年时期,生长激素水平较高,这促使肌肉的发展相对较为突出。这一时期内,肌肉通常比脂肪增长更为显著,尤其是在进行体力活动和锻炼的情况下。
青春期: 青春期时,男性由于睾丸激素的增加,通常会经历肌肉质量的较大增长,而女性则可能在髋部和乳房等部位积累一些脂肪。
成年期: 成年期的肌肉和脂肪增长受到个体生活方式和饮食习惯的影响。积极参与抗阻力训练和摄入足够蛋白质的人可能会增加肌肉质量。相反,久坐不动和高热量、高加工食品的饮食可能导致脂肪的增加。